In state-of-the-art international, there is a non-stop need for automated equipment. With the increase in this international, there may be an immediate need for developing circuits that might trade the complexity of existence to simplicity. This undertaking's called “Bidirectional visitor Counter using Arduino " is designed to matter the number of visitors in the auditorium, in a function hall, offices, department stores, sports venue, and so on. The tool counts all people getting into and exiting the auditorium or corridor or different vicinity. Relying upon the sensor’s interruption, the device identifies the access and exit of someone. At the hit implementation of the device, it displays the variety of human beings present in the auditorium or corridor. That is a cost-powerful, fee decreasing system even as implemented in locations in which the site visitors need to rely on and control.
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Rahul R Kolsur, Sneha Nayak, Yeddula Parimalaroyal, R. Aruna, “Bidirectional Visitor Counter with Automatic Light Controller”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Technologies, pp. 166-169, December. 2022. doi: 10.53759/aist/978-9914-9946-1-2_30