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International Conference on VLSI, Communication and Computer Communication

Shuttling of Automatic Metro Train Between Stations

Rajeshwari C S, Sneha S, Victor Jeyaseelan, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, AMC Engineering College, Bangalore, India.

Online First : 06 December 2022
Publisher Name : AnaPub Publications, Kenya.
ISSN (Online) : 2959-3042
ISSN (Print) : 2959-3034
ISBN (Online) : 978-9914-9946-1-2
ISBN (Print) : 978-9914-9946-2-9
Pages : 142-148


This project aims to illustrate the use of innovation in metro train development. This proposed framework is a programmed train and it wipes out the need of any driver. In this undertaking Arduino has been utilized. Whenever the train shows up at the station it stops naturally, as detected by an IR sensor. It is likewise furnished with passenger counting segment, which counts the passengers present in the train. The passenger counts are shown on a serial monitor of the Arduino. Further the undertaking can be upgraded by making this framework further developed by showing the situation with the train over an LCD screen. The voice module IC is utilized for the sound declaration of stations.


Metro, Automatic, LCD, Arduino.

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Cite this article

Rajeshwari C S, Sneha S, Victor Jeyaseelan, “Shuttling of Automatic Metro Train Between Stations”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Technologies, pp. 142-148, December. 2022. doi: 10.53759/aist/978-9914-9946-1-2_27


© 2023 Rajeshwari C S, Sneha S, Victor Jeyaseelan. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.