What are Multi-Agent Systems?

Janani R June 08, 2024 | 2:30 PM Technology

Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) are a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) where multiple autonomous agents interact with each other and their environment to achieve specific goals. Each agent in a MAS is typically capable of perceiving its environment, making decisions, and taking actions independently. These agents can be simple or complex, ranging from basic rule-based systems to sophisticated learning algorithms.

Figure 1. Multi-Agent Systems

Key characteristics of Multi-Agent Systems include:

Autonomy: Figure 1 shows Multi-Agent Systems. Agents in a MAS operate independently, making their own decisions based on their perception of the environment and their internal knowledge.

Interaction: Agents interact with each other and with the environment to achieve common or individual goals. These interactions can be cooperative, competitive, or a mix of both.

Emergent Behavior: The collective behavior of the agents in a MAS often results in emergent properties that are not explicitly programmed. These emergent behaviors can lead to complex, adaptive, and sometimes unpredictable outcomes.

Decentralization: Unlike traditional centralized systems where a single entity controls all decision-making, MAS are decentralized, with decision-making distributed among the individual agents.

Scalability: MAS are often scalable, allowing for the addition or removal of agents without significant changes to the system's overall architecture.

MAS find applications in various domains such as robotics, economics, traffic management, and social simulations. They are particularly useful in scenarios where complex interactions and coordination between multiple entities are required.[1] Examples include traffic management systems, where agents represent vehicles navigating through a network of roads, or in online marketplaces, where agents act as buyers and sellers engaging in transactions. Overall, MAS provide a flexible framework for modeling and solving problems involving distributed decision-making and coordination.


  1. https://relevanceai.com/learn/what-is-a-multi-agent-system

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Janani R (2024), Exploring The Potential of Multi-Agent Systems: A Primer on Crew AI, AnaTechmaz, pp.1

Exploring The Potential of Multi-Agent Systems: A Primer on Crew AI