NASA Performs Fastest Space-To-Ground Data Transfer

Hana M May 18, 2023 | 09:00 AM Technology

NASA's TeraByte InfraRed Delivery (TBIRD) system recently achieved 200Gbps throughput on a space-to-ground optical or laser communication link between a satellite in orbit and Earth, surpassing the previous 100Gbps milestone the team achieved in June 2022. This is the highest data rate ever achieved by optical communications technology, according to the agency.

Figure 1. Laser data transfer.

Figure 1 shows laser data transfer. As NASA points out, "ultra-high-speed" optical communication is capable of transmitting a great deal more information than traditional space communication systems.

The space agency recently announced it will test this technology for its Artemis II mission, scheduled for next year. It could allow the mission's Moon-bound astronauts to stream HD footage back to Earth in near real-time.

Laser communication is a cutting-edge technology that utilizes laser beams for transmitting data through space, replacing traditional radio waves. This advanced method offers numerous advantages over radio frequency (RF) communication systems, including higher data rates, lower power needs, improved security, and flexible ground systems.

The use of laser communications enables the transmission of larger volumes of data with each transmission from space, facilitating more significant discoveries and advancements. As NASA intensifies its efforts to establish a sustained presence on the Moon and prepares for upcoming missions to Mars, laser communication technology becomes crucial for ensuring seamless mission operations and effective scientific endeavors. Its implementation will greatly contribute to the success and efficiency of future space missions, enhancing NASA's capabilities in exploration and research.

Source: NASA



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Hana M (2023), NASA Performs Fastest Space-To-Ground Data Transfer, AnaTechmaz, pp.199

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