1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Sciences for Sustainable Technologies
Analysis of Malware Detection using Machine Learning
Mohanraj A, Ashrey Deepak Mudliar, Gopi K and Kavin Kumar V, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Malware is simply the mechanism that performs malicious actions. It functions as an executable machine performed model which performs detection. Attackers always use the malware to steal the sensitive information. It is injected into the system and renders the whole component which then make the system to be not compatible to operate in the organization which in change a threat to many. It is broadly referred to many of the malicious malware substances like Worm, Trojan, Backdoor, Botnet, Ransomware, Rootkit.
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Mohanraj A, Ashrey Deepak Mudliar, Gopi K and Kavin Kumar V, “Analysis of Malware Detection using Machine Learning”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Technologies, pp. 179-182, August. 2023. doi:10.53759/aist/978-9914-9946-4-3_28