The evolution of computers has inspired the conception of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Experiments in HCI are
increasingly including members of the next generation (those in their twenties and thirties) who are well educated and proficient in
modern technologies. In this paper, behavioral and technological issues are both addressed in the field of HCI. The primary goal of this
research in HCI is to shed light on previously unseen perspectives of human behavior and its connection to technology. The concept of
resilience has been used in several contexts, including the corporate world, psychology, education, and the economics. Self-efficacy,
optimism, self-awareness, and the ability to derive meaning from one's experiences are just a few of the foundational factors that
contribute to resilience. An improved organization's resilience may be achieved via the use of this method. All of this will be done by
resilience in order to increase people's awareness of the tools at their disposal for dealing with the difficulties that already exist.
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), Computer-Human Interaction (CHI), Multi-
Modal User Interfaces (MUI)
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Cite this article
Ying A. Chu and Michael Wu Chu, “A Review of Multimodel User Interface in Human Computer Interface Design”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Technologies, pp. 023-032. 2022. doi:10.53759/aist/978-9914-9946-0-5_4