Strengthening poor soil layers is a common goal of the stone column technique of ground development. Cohesive soils' ability to support stone columns is virtually increased. Using columns made of crushed coconut shell that are both horizontally and vertically strengthened, the study examines the bearing capability of soft soil. A tank was used to conduct a number of laboratory plate load tests to examine how individual and groupings of vertically and horizontally reinforced columns behave. In this work, coir geosynthetics, a natural geosynthetic, and crushed coconut shell (CCS), a waste product, are used as reinforcement and filler materials, respectively. A 5 cm diameter column made of crushed coconut shells that was erected in soft soil was used for the tests. By covering the column in geotextile, the vertical reinforcement is accomplished. Geotextile is wrapped around the column to give it vertical reinforcement, and geogrid is placed inside the column at intervals of D, D/2, and D/4 to provide horizontal reinforcement. A comparison of single and collective columns made of crushed coconut shells that are vertically and horizontally reinforced in soil is done. Geosynthetic-reinforced CCS columns could increase the soil's ability to support weight. A variety of potential site applications are made possible by this range of performance for the geosynthetically reinforced crushed coconut shell columns technology.
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Pallavi Krishna and Magi N S, “Bearing Capacity Improvement of Soil using Geosynthetic Reinforced Granular Columns”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Technologies, pp. 014-017, July. 2022. doi:10.53759/aist/978-9914-9946-0-5_2