Space communications play a fundamental role in the modern world, allowing for a wide-range of activities such as weather forecasting, remote sensing, and satellite-based navigation. The increased demands for secure, reliable, and high-speed communications links are stimulating the advancement of space communication technologies. In the modern age, space communications depend on different technologies such as laser communication, optical communication, and radio frequency (RF). RF communication is the most widely used technology for space communications, but other technologies are under development, offering the potential for higher data rates and increased security. The purpose of this research paper is to provide an overview of the history, current state, and future direction of space communications technology. The paper covers the early development of space communications technology, key milestones in the history of space communications, the current state of space communication systems, advanced space communication technologies under development, and the impact of space communications on society, economy and national security. This paper serves as a starting point for more in-depth research on specific aspects of space communications technology and its applications.
Space Communications, Satellite Technology, Radio Frequency (RF) Communication, Optical Communication, Laser Communication, Intersatellite Communication
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Anandakumar Haldorai, “Deep Space Communications Current Trends, Technologies and Opportunities”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Technologies, pp. 087-096. 2022. doi:10.53759/aist/978-9914-9946-0-5_10