2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Sustainable Manufacturing Technology
Encrypted Image Retrieval Scheme on Blockchain
Niranjani V, Chandiya C, Dhanushya D, Harithaa G, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India.
Blockchainhas flourished in a variety of industries throughout a period known as the "digital economy",
including finance and digital copyright. Blockchain is highlighting the storage issue more and more. In order to lessen the
demand for node storage, the existing blockchain maintains block information in external storage devices. Blockchain
transaction retrieval issue is brought on by the new blockchain storage approach. The issue arises when the user is required
to download the decentralized blockchain ledger information from the external storage system. Since, they couldn't locate
the node comprising that particular transaction, therefore which results in significant communication overhead. We take
advantage of the data that is Blockchain is semi-structured for this issue and obtain the common traits of blockchain
transactions like the Date and account address. Next, we create a method for retrieving blockchain transactions. Because of
the absence of an effective account-specific secondary search data structure addresses, we suggest the scalable B+ tree. For
encryption and decryption of Images we have used Elliptic curve Cryptography algorithm and AES algorithm. For
Generating Hash value we have used ECDSA Algorithm.
Security; Compression, Transmission,Image Encryption and Decryption, Capacity,Decentralization, Smart
Contract, Ledger, Tamper-Proof, Proof of Stack.
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Niranjani V, Chandiya C, Dhanushya D, Harithaa G, “Encrypted Image Retrieval Scheme on Blockchain”, Advances in Computational Intelligence in Materials Science, pp. 036-043, May. 2023. doi:10.53759/acims/978-9914-9946-9-8_7