
Advances in Computational Intelligence in Materials Science

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2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Sustainable Manufacturing Technology

Improving Data Security in Cloud Computing

R.Subha, Vaijayanth S, Sabari Mukundh J, Sanjay R, Santhosh T, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India.

Online First : 07 June 2023
Publisher Name : AnaPub Publications, Kenya.
ISBN (Online) : 978-9914-9946-9-8
ISBN (Print) : 978-9914-9946-8-1
Pages : 023-027


The objective of this project is to create a secure method of encrypting and storing data in cloud computing settings. In order to accomplish this, we compare the performance of three popular encryption algorithms—AES, DES, and MES—with various key lengths. Finding the ideal encryption technique and key length for our project is the goal of this evaluation. A secure system for encrypting and storing data in cloud computing settings is the anticipated result of this project, and it can help safeguard sensitive data from unwanted access and potential security breaches.This study can help with the future development of more effective cloud security solutions by illuminating the efficacy of various encryption approaches in protecting data in the cloud.


Modular Encryption, Advanced Encryption Standard, Symmetric key, Data Encryption Standard, Role- based access control.

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Cite this article

R.Subha, Vaijayanth S, Sabari Mukundh J, Sanjay R, Santhosh T, “Improving Data Security in Cloud Computing”, Advances in Computational Intelligence in Materials Science, pp. 023-027, May. 2023. doi:10.53759/acims/978-9914-9946-9-8_5


© 2023 R.Subha, Vaijayanth S, Sabari Mukundh J, Sanjay R, Santhosh T. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.