The design of wearable fractal antenna on the spiral shaped Metamaterial (MTM) substrate suitable for
Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) (2.4-2.45GHz) frequency bands is presented in this paper. To reduce the SAR
value a spiral metamaterial meander is introduced in the ground plane. High-Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS)
software was used to design the antenna. Maximum allowedSpecific Absorption Rate (SAR) value is 1.6 W/Kg which
indicates that the wearable antennas are safe for human. Jeans substrate is used to design the antenna. The reflection
coefficient of the antenna is -27 dB and the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) of the antenna is 1.05. The SAR
value of the proposed antenna when placed on Phantom neck is 0.78 W/Kg, which makes it suitable for wearable
Metamaterial, Wearable, ISM, SAR, Gain, VSWR, Reflection Coefficient, Circular Polarization.
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Mehaboob Mujawar, Bhagyashree Goudar, Kaveri Basarakod, Aishwarya Kalal, “Circularly Polarized Metamaterial Based Fractal Wearable Antenna for Wireless Applications”, Advances in Computational Intelligence in Materials Science, pp. 017-022, May. 2023. doi:10.53759/acims/978-9914-9946-9-8_4