2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Sustainable Manufacturing Technology
Data Validation using ETL – A Theoretical Perspective
Sanjay Kumar. S, Roshaan. J. S, Surya.V, Srinivas. S, Sreemathy.J, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India.
Data is more readily available than ever, but when it is erroneous or insufficient, it can be challenging to
interpret. As a result, data validation is essential to improving the quality of data for sound decision-making. The authors
have discussed some of the most important concepts and challenges in data validation. It is obvious that human oversight
cannot be completely removed from this process. Information priceless human qualities that cannot be taught. Humans
are still cautious to take action on decisions that have not been validated by another person, despite today's highly
advanced data validation technology or automated approaches. A data validation dashboard can be used by an expert data
practitioner to monitor the complete data analysis procedure. The dashboard may make it easier for teams or project
managers to assign tasks and resources while also more efficiently monitoring the progress and success of their work.
This paper offers insightful discussions of the fundamental ideas, key points, and validation procedure for data validation
and quality assurance. Additionally, the article compares several data validation technologies, and several significant
industry players are explored. Additionally, the main problems, difficulties, and requirements are explored.
Data Validation, Component, ETL, Test, Data Warehouse.
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Sanjay Kumar. S, Roshaan. J. S, Surya.V, Srinivas. S, Sreemathy.J, “Data Validation using ETL – A Theoretical Perspective”, Advances in Computational Intelligence in Materials Science, pp. 007-011, May. 2023. doi:10.53759/acims/978-9914-9946-9-8_2