
Advances in Computational Intelligence in Materials Science

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2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Sustainable Manufacturing Technology

Multi-Access Filtering using FOG-Enivronment

Gowtham S, Mohammed Abdullah S, Asha J, Nawin Ram Shanker I, Selwin Isac Neilsingh J, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India.

Online First : 07 June 2023
Publisher Name : AnaPub Publications, Kenya.
ISBN (Online) : 978-9914-9946-9-8
ISBN (Print) : 978-9914-9946-8-1
Pages : 082-088


Fog computing is gaining popularity, even in traditionally conservative and delicate sectors like the Armed forces and nations.The interconnection of our community and technology breakthroughs like the IOT technology both have an impact on this. However, one of many crucial factors in fog computing adoption is guarding against privacy leaks. As a result, we present a multi-layer access filtration model in this study that safeguards privacy and was designed for such fog-based cloud environment, thus the name (FAF)fog-based access filter. The three major algorithms that make up FAF are the tuple reduction algorithm, the optimal privacy-energy-time methodology, and the access filter initialization method. The different protective aims are also distinguished using a hierarchical classification. Our experimental evaluation's conclusions show that FAF enables one to strike the perfect balance between privacy protection and computing costs.


Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, Privacy, Security, Server, Resource, Performance, Upload, Access.

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Cite this article

Gowtham S, Mohammed Abdullah S, Asha J, Nawin Ram Shanker I, Selwin Isac Neilsingh J, “Multi-Access Filtering using FOG-Enivronment”, Advances in Computational Intelligence in Materials Science, pp. 082-088, May. 2023. doi:10.53759/acims/978-9914-9946-9-8_14


© 2023 Gowtham S, Mohammed Abdullah S, Asha J, Nawin Ram Shanker I, Selwin Isac Neilsingh J. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.