
Advances in Computational Intelligence in Materials Science

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2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Sustainable Manufacturing Technology

Data Integration and Modelling using Talend

Avanthika S, Aniruthram K P, Anubama G, Sreemathy J, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India.

Online First : 07 June 2023
Publisher Name : AnaPub Publications, Kenya.
ISBN (Online) : 978-9914-9946-9-8
ISBN (Print) : 978-9914-9946-8-1
Pages : 001-006


The world revolves entirely around data. We are unable to find even the most fundamental facts without data. Data will grow as enterprises do. You can learn a lot of things with these data. Data integration must be considered in order to access this information. Data integration has a wide range of applications and is used to combine multiple heterogeneous data sets into homogenous data. Analysis, extraction, transformation, and loading are all components of integration. ETL is a key component of data integration and takes up the majority of the work. The concept of warehousing is crucial because it describes how data that has undergone the ETL step will be loaded and used for various purposes.


Data Integration, Information, ETL, Heterogenous Data, Homogenous Data.

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Cite this article

Avanthika S, Aniruthram K P, Anubama G, Sreemathy J, “Data Integration and Modelling using Talend”, Advances in Computational Intelligence in Materials Science, pp. 001-006, May. 2023. doi:10.53759/acims/978-9914-9946-9-8_1


© 2023 Avanthika S, Aniruthram K P, Anubama G, Sreemathy J. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.