Transforming Chicken Fat into Energy Storage: A Sustainable Solution for Supercapacitors

Hana M May 13, 2024 | 11:00 AM Technology

Researchers in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces have developed a method to convert chicken fat into carbon-based electrodes for supercapacitors, which store energy and power LEDs. This innovation comes as part of the global shift towards sustainable energy, where the demand for energy storage devices has surged. Traditional materials for such devices can be costly and environmentally harmful. By utilizing waste materials like chicken fat, the researchers aimed to address these challenges.

Figure 1. The Proposed Method.

Figure 1 shows the proposed method. The process involved using a gas flame gun to extract fat from chicken and burning it using a flame wick method, similar to an oil lamp. The resulting soot contained carbon-based nanostructures with uniform spherical lattices resembling layers of onions [1]. By treating these nanoparticles with thiourea, the researchers enhanced their electrical properties. Assembled into the negative electrode of supercapacitors, these carbon nanoparticles exhibited good capacitance, durability, and high energy and power density [2]. Furthermore, when electrodes were made of thiourea-treated carbon nanoparticles, their properties were further enhanced.

The researchers successfully demonstrated the real-time application of these supercapacitors by connecting them to LEDs, showcasing their potential for practical use. This innovative approach offers a promising avenue for utilizing food waste to produce carbon materials for green energy applications [3].

The study received funding from the National Research Foundation of Korea through the Regional Leading Research Center (RLRC) for Autonomous Vehicle Parts and Materials Innovation.

Source: American Chemical Society





Cite this article:

Hana M (2024), Transforming Chicken Fat into Energy Storage: A Sustainable Solution for Supercapacitors, AnaTechmaz, pp. 950