Cars Can Be Kept Cool with a Thin Reflective Material That Resembles Butterfly Wings

Janani R September 11, 2023 | 12:45 PM Technology

Researchers at Shenzhen University in China have developed a thin film inspired by the nanostructures found on the wings of Morpho butterflies. These structures create a vivid blue colour by bending and reflecting incoming light. The team designed a multi-layered film to mimic this effect and reduce the need for energy-intensive cooling in vehicles.

Figure 1. Cars Can Be Kept Cool with a Thin Reflective Material That Resembles Butterfly Wings

Figure 1 shows the film, just a few micrometres thick, consists of three layers: a top layer composed of titanium, silicon, and oxygen compounds, a middle layer of frosted glass with intricate nanostructures, and a bottom layer of a thin silver mirror.[1] This film imitates the energy-saving reflective paints used on the market but offers the potential for more vibrant colours, akin to traditional paints. The innovation could significantly contribute to reducing the energy consumed by vehicle cooling systems while enhancing the aesthetics of the vehicles.

The striking blue hue of morpho butterflies is achieved through intricate nanostructures on their wings that manipulate and reflect light. Building upon this natural phenomenon, researchers at Shenzhen University in China have created a thin film with a layer that imitates these wing nanostructures. The film not only produces vibrant colours but also serves as an effective way to cool surfaces in extreme heat.

In their experiment, the researchers applied the film to a car parked in the sun. A patch of regular blue paint on the car heated up to 167 degrees Fahrenheit, whereas the area coated with the new film only reached 107 degrees. This cooling effect could lead to reduced air-conditioning usage in vehicles, especially electric cars, resulting in energy savings and extended driving range.

The film consists of three layers: a top layer comprising titanium, silicon, and oxygen compounds, a middle layer of frosted glass with nanostructures mimicking butterfly wings, and a bottom layer of silver. Despite being only a few micrometres thick, the film can be tailored to produce various colours, including shades of red and green.

This innovative approach holds promise for applications beyond vehicles. Similar structural colour coatings could be used on clothing and other products to provide cooling benefits.[2] Moreover, these developments align with the trend of utilizing advanced coatings to reduce the need for energy-intensive air-conditioning in buildings and other spaces.

Cite this article:

Janani R (2023), Cars Can Be Kept Cool with a Thin Reflective Material That Resembles Butterfly Wings,Anatechmaz, pp.477