Researchers Demonstrate Brainwave Synchronization without Physical Presence

Thanusri swetha J September 13, 2022 | 11:00 AM Technology

Scientists recently showed that the brains of people who play an online game together were in-synch minus physical presence.Such a trend is possible to continue because of increased remote working, as well as investments in social technology.Past research has revealed the brains of people stimulate a similar simultaneous way during social interaction.

Furthermore, inter-brain neural synchronization has been linked to empathy and cooperation during face-to-face situations. Nonetheless, its role in online, remote interaction has been unknown.[1]

Figure 1. The Researchers Demonstrate Brainwave Synchronization without Physical Presence

Figure 1 shows a new study conducted at the University of Helsinki investigated brainwave synchronization while pairs of subjects played a game in which they controlled a racing car together. The subjects were physically separated into two soundproof rooms. The researchers investigated the connection of synchronization with interaction and performance in the game.

Based on the results, inter-brain synchronization occurs during cooperative online gaming. Furthermore, increased synchrony in the alpha and gamma frequency bands is connected with better performance. The connection between performance and gamma-synchronization could be observed continuously over time.[2]

Towards better online interaction

Our social brain has developed in face-to-face communication, and increased screen time has caused concern especially among parents, teachers, and legislators.

“If we can build interactive digital experiences which activate fundamental mechanisms of empathy, it can lead to better social relationships, well-being, and productivity online,” says Project Manager Katri Saarikivi.[3]

Wikström suggests that measures of physiological synchrony and cooperative effectiveness can be used to assess the quality of social interaction. Figuring out which features of interfaces improve understanding and communication can drive development in a positive direction.

“This study shows that brain-to-brain synchronization also occurs during online cooperative games, and that it can be reliably measured.[4]

Cite this article:

Thanusri swetha J (2022), Researchers Demonstrate Brainwave Synchronization without Physical Presence, Anatechmaz, pp. 409