Spooky Doubly Exponential Rate Improves Quantum Computers

Sri Vasagi K May 16, 2022 | 11:30 AM Technology

Quantum computers, which make calculations with entangled particles, or qubits, are poised to overtake their conventional opposite numbers very, very fast.And it’s all captured by way of a brand new law of computing, called Neven’s Law, in line with a charming new article in Quanta Magazine.

Figure 1: Spooky doubly exponential rate law.

Figure 1 shows that the new law, director of the Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab at Google who first observed the phenomenon, the law dictates how quick quantum processors are improving, or getting quicker at processing calculations, relative to everyday computer systems.

And it seems, they are gaining on regular computer systems at a spookily fast, “doubly exponential fee.” That means that processing electricity grows by a thing of 2^2^1 (four), then 2^2^2 (16), then 2^2^three (256), then 2^2^4 (65,536), and so on. You can see that the numbers get mind-bogglingly large very, very fast. Doubly-exponential growth is so huge, it’s tough to discover something that grows so fast within the natural international, in keeping with Quanta. [1]

Classical computers double in power every two years (Moore’s Law). That trend has led to an explosion in computational power over the last half-century. Quantum computers, however, may leapfrog that trend by centuries in just the next 20 years. These complex thinking machines operate at near Absolute Zero and rely on the ‘Spooky’ properties of entangled particles.

Moore predicted that computational power would double every 2 years for the foreseeable future. Moore’s prediction has held accurate to present day. It is now is colloquially called a ‘Law’. [2]

Quantum computing is being hailed as a revolution in the digital realm. That's because of the way these computers store information, in itsy-bitsy particles that follow the strange rules of the quantum world. The result can be incredibly powerful and fast processing. For instance, while traditional computers store all data as 1s or 0s, quantum bits of data can exist in multiple different states at the same time, meaning that more data can be kept in fewer bits, in this case qubits, and way more calculations can be processed in a flash.

However, not everyone is convinced that quantum supremacy is knocking on our door. Andrew Childs, the co-director of the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science at the University of Maryland, told Quanta that silicon computers are also improving quickly, and he doubts that quantum computing could actually be improving at a doubly-exponential rate. [3]

  1. https://ntecha.com/forget-moores-law-quantum-computers-are-improving-according-to-a-spooky-doubly-exponential-rate/
  2. https://science-at-home.net/technology/forget-moore-s-law-quantum-computers-are-improving-based-on-a-spooky/
  3. https://www.livescience.com/65651-quantum-computers-get-scary-fast.html
Cite this article:

Sri Vasagi K (2022), Spooky Doubly Exponential Rate Improves Quantum Computers, Anatechmaz, pp. 280